6:40 AM

Standing in front of a huge crowd and delivering a speech is such a nerve-racking scene that I can't imagine doing. Maybe if I will be ask to deliver a speech in front of a huge crowd, I'll just humiliate myself and the said event or program will be an instant comedy bar--or worse I'll passout because of too much nervousness that I am feeling. 

But last November 27, 2015, Asia Pacific College held an Interschool Public Speaking Competition entitled Speak Sense 2 hosted by one of our school's organizations, APC Speaks. It is a public speaking competition wherein high school students from different schools within Metro Manila competed and showed their passion for public speaking. The theme of the event is "Whether it’s the best of times or worst of times, it’s the only time we’ve got". 

Just as my classmates, it was also my first time to watched this kind of competition. And I must say that those kids have what it takes to be good public speakers. They have great ideas in mind that they can share to other people. No wonder why they were the ones that represented their school for the said event. And I just have to share the feeling that I have felt whenever each participant performs his(her) speech. I also feel nervous for them. I don't know why but somehow it feels like I will be the one who will be talking in front. Somehow I don't want them to forget their lines and ran out of ideas to say because it is really humiliating to be humiliated.

Talking about the speeches of the contestants. There were some that I somehow find boring or so-so but their were also participants that caught my attention, one is from a boy who had some funny introduction about hotdogs and softdrinks. I somehow don't get his point there, why would you ask the audience if they know how softdrinks and hotdogs or processed food were created, I don't know if he just wanted to get the attention of the audience or what but as his speech went by I understood where he is coming from and that he got an accident involving those processed foods. 

I must say that the winners really deserve their title because they really did a great job delivering their speech in front of the stage. Just like the boy who got the 2nd runner up title with his speech about a miracle baby and that he end it his speech with a bang saying that he was that baby. For me his speech was emotional because I cried when he delivered that speech. The feels~ huhu And the 1st runner up the kid with the speech that he got brokenhearted because of his bestfriend. He said that he and the girl have a more than bestfriend relationship but they eventually had their breakup because the girl said that she can't balance her studies while they are still into the relationship. The speech gained sympathy for the boy and because somehow they can relate? Haha well I can relate :3 And lastly the champion who was a the only girl in the competition with her speech about her broken family. She said that there cam a time when she wanted to kill herself just to end all of her problems but she decided not to do it anyway. She shared her story, how she handled the pain, how she recovered from that pain and what she had gained from that pain. It is truly an emotional speech. The hardship that she conquered proved that she is so brave at young age. 

Truthfully speaking, I must say that this kind of competition is really a great idea because it practices students to speak confidently in front of a huge audience. It builds their self confidence and self esteem when speaking in public. Why am I saying this? Because I believe that some teenagers in this generation would rather share their thoughts and ideas in mind in different social medias than to say it out loud. This kind of events would let the young generation's voice be heard. Who would know maybe someday this kids would become the best public speakers  who will influence a lot of people just as what one of the hosts said.

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