8:00 AM

Lots of people this days have been smoking; maybe because it's just their hobby or a pass time, a stress or pain reliever just to forget the pain that they have, or maybe because they were just influenced by other people. Maybe they have their own reason why they end up smoking, just like a quote that says- 'you can never judge a person without knowing his/her story' or should I say, 'don't judge a person just because of their actions'. They have their reasons of course.

But as a concerned person, I am really into the anti-smoking campaign. I have been one of those people who always gives advice and tell the people I know the consequences of smoking. I have a confession, my father was once a smoker when I was still a kid. I used to privately watched him smoking like almost everyday. At a very young age, I know that it is bad for the health and I wanted to say to my Papa that he should stop smoking but I don't know to how to approach him, after all I'm just a kid. Who would believe a child right but I know my papa is not bad, he just smoke. So all I can do as a kid was just to pray that my papa will realize that smoking is bad and he'll eventually quit smoking. As time flies fast, I observed that little by little he started to lessen his cigarette sticks a day and I confirmed that, when my mother said that to- (I don't know the person.), I was eavesdropping that time. So yeah fortunately, my father is not smoking anymore. I asked him what changed his mind that motivated him to stop smoking. He said that he stopped smoking because of us and for himself of course, he realized that his getting older and he was scared of what will happened if he didn't stop smoking.

 And that's the start of how I become the people who are in anti-smoking campaign, tho I am not really into a group who stops this but I have my little and small ways to be one of those people. Like for instance, I have lots of friends who smoke, all of them have their reasons why they smoke like they have problems in the family( broken family, financial problem, and the like), some of them are broken hearted and they say that it is how they release the pain inside them, but some said that it is just a pass time. I always tell them that they should stop and lessen their smoking, I keep on reminding them that it is bad for their health as they grew older. They say they know that but they still do this because they don't know how to stop. It's like it has been their routine to smoke. I always remind them of my father, that they just need to motivate themselves not to take cigarettes and keep in mind the consequences that might happened in the future if they'll not stop smoking. 

"Realize what will be the consequences of your actions before it's too late"


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