8:15 PM

We all know that Plagiarism is an act of crime and is illegal. But some of the people still do it whether professional or just a normal person. Some of those people who commit or committed plagiarism are not yet been caught. But before everything else, what is plagiarism? 

According to plagiarism.org, to plagiarize means to steal and pass someone else's work or ideas as your own. It is using someone else's work without crediting the source or the owner and is considered as an act of fraud.

How to avoid Plagiarism? We can avoid plagiarized works by citing the sources. Simply by acknowledging the work of the original writer of where you got and borrowed the idea will be enough to avoid plagiarism. For pictures, videos, and the like, it is also common for it to be plagiarize particularly on the web. Nowadays, some of the people who are using the net are plagiarizing, intentionally or unintentionally. How will you know if it is plagiarism on not? Still, according to Plagiarism.org, some acts of plagiarizing pictures, videos, and the like are: copying media or images and pasting it to your website or paper as your own, recording audio or video in which copyrighted music playing in the background is also counted as plagiarism.

Also it is considered as plagiarized work if for example you are composing a song lyrics or piece of music that borrows heavily another composition. To determine if you're are plagiarizing is very challenging and somehow scary, but you should be really careful of it, because once you committed this kind of act, you will surely regret the consequences of your actions.


How to avoid Plagiarism?The safest way to avoid this is 1. Get or gather what your thoughts are and put them altogether without copying in the web. Simply, by using your own brain will not harm you after all. But if you really need to search something on the web, 2. You have to properly cite your reference and sources. 3. Ask the original author's permission before copying or using his/her work.

With this blog I hope you really learn something really important in our lives. I too, learned something regarding this topic.  We really should not STEAL someone's work for it will cause a lot of consequences like, you'll lose your reputation from other people and they will instantly not believe you anymore because they may think that you are not worthy of their trust. You will lose your integrity which is really important. Also, you will get caught and will be punished with your actions.  So take note of this thing and always keep in mind that: DO NOT PLAGIARIZE.

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