8:39 AM

Opposite ways, you turn left, I turn right.
We never knew each other but we met for some reason
It's like we are destined to meet, but you kept on turning left and I kept on turning right.
Until one day, a silly accident happened to me and you turn your head to the right, for the first time.
First time that you looked at me and it is a little embarrassing because of that silly accident I made.
And that's the beginning of something new, something precious.

We talked about ourselves, your passion for music and my passion to literature.
We even talk about the "love at first sight" you had to a girl when you were still young.
And guess what we knew each other all along, I was the girl you were talking about.

That moment I was thinking if we could just stay a little longer 
But I guess it's not the right time as the rain started to pour down.
We got each other's numbers
And our parted ways,
You turned left and I turned right.

The next day, I tried to call you but I can't, I lost your number because of that rain
That rain that separated us.
And it feels like fate is playing with us.

I'm hopeless.
I'm just here in my bed, waiting for you to call me.
I waited and waited, but you never called.
Is this the end of our story?

Everyday, I tried calling you, guess your number keys
Hoping that that's the right number, but I always end up getting a wrong one.
I even called a mental hospital hotline, oh gosh! 

I was to the point of giving up, but still hoping that we could cross paths
I badly want to see you, Badly want to talk to you.
I know that it's not right to say this but I miss you.
I tried to somehow go on with my life but still there's this feeling that I feel that I lost my own shadow.
I'm incomplete.

Until one night, I don't know what it got into me but I took the telephone and listened to a call before I leave the town.
Yes, I'm going somewhere, Somewhere far.
And I wanted, just for one last time, I'm hoping to see you
As I listen to the voice on the telephone,
I recognized a familiar voice, it's you.
You called. 

As tears started to fill my eyes
Lots of thought and emotions I feel inside
A lot questions keep running in my mind

Where are you? Is this a miracle that for the last time...
In an unexpected moment...for the last minute...
You called...

I run towards the door to look for you.
I found myself in front of many people
I shouted your  name -your student number,
Hoping to find you in the crowd
Waiting for a miracle to happen
But no luck.

I didn't get to see you. 
I didn't get a chance to talk to you
Will I get a chance to see you again?
Will I get a chance to talk to again for the last time?

I faced the phone and started to wish 
that I would end up the right keys to your number.
Hoping for a miracle to happen.
The other line rang as it started to quake.

A quake that find its way to let us see each other again. 
That just took you and me, 
To turn you head right and to turn my head left
To see each other again.

I wrote my own narration that is likely to be the love story of  John Liu and Eve Choi in Turn Left Turn Right(movie). I wrote it in Eve's perspective because I wanted to share my thoughts about the story: how it moved me and made its impact not only in my mind but also in my heart. 

I will always be in love with happy endings. This movie made me show the Hopeless Romantic side in me. It made me feel that I am the girl protagonist (which I always do in most romantic movies I've watched. Turn left Turn Right became one of my favorite movies. It gave me a lot of feels, one is that I felt the butterflies in my stomach while watching the movie. It thought me a lot of things. It made me realized some things that I don't believe like, "If it's meant to be, it will be." and "Love waits and will always find its way...". It is kinda ironic for me to not believe with those lines, like I didn't said that I'm a hopeless romantic type of person. But I will always believe that there is one person who will love us with all his(her) heart and that is destined for us. No question that I'm a certified hopeless romantic.

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